Thursday, October 2, 2014

Best 10 #5 - Alison Mosely


  1. Image #10
    Describe: A dark figure with white surroundings. A building and trees can be seen in the background, but not much else. The focus is very centralized.
    Interpret: This image is very ghostly, probably due to being taken with a low shutter speed.
    Theorize: This picture could convey a narrative about a ghost traveling through the human world.
    Judge: I like it, but I think it might be overexposed in some areas.

  2. Describe: The chair is be itself, in front of a wall. There are electrical circuits and the chair is turned sideways.
    Interpret: It is a lonely chair, all by itself in a big empty room.
    Theorize: It is still probably warm from someone getting up. The room is very quiet and still. No one is using the electrical circuits.
    Judge. Sometimes simplicity is best. I enjoy this very much, there is a feeling of emptiness in the complete space.

  3. Description: the are a series of windows along the right side of the image. black and white. light shines through the windows. a railing along the right side appears to descend and disappear beyond the edge of the photograph. the roof appears to also slant down ward.
    Interpretation: the photo seems to freeze a moment in time, the thought and emotions almost seem tangible. the lighting is a power element and helps to invoke an thoughtful, reflective atmosphere.
    theorize: the image suggests that we should appreciate the little things in life, such as the warmth of the sun which shines so calmly through the open windows of this building. it also hints at the idea of being content with ones self in relation to the world are you.
    judgment: I really love the lighting, and the repetition of the windows. I enjoy the perspective as well. the feeling of peace and content are two more factors that really put this piece together.
