Thursday, October 2, 2014

Best Photographs IV


  1. Photo #1
    Description: A faceless figure stands atop a brick path, with one leg bent backwards.
    Interpretation: We do not know much about the person's facial appearance, so we judge based on other external cues. The hair, skirt, and shoes suggests this is a female. The edge of her face suggests a hint of eyeglasses. The bent knee is ambiguous, with no sure movement shown.
    Theorizing: Because she is seen in the middle of the path, it seems that she is just casually crossing. The ambiguous gait may suggest an unsure direction, or even walking backwards. The lack of other figures give a lonely feel.
    Judgement: I like the stance. It could be slightly clearer but is very interesting.

  2. Describe: Text that reads "Tropical Depression" with a sad face in the "o", low contrast, wires and sound equipment, black tape on the wall
    Interpret: The light source coming from the bottom of the image highlights the word "depression", which is spraypainted to look shaky and dark (and depressing.) The wall looks like it belonged to an abandoned house or store, but it was turned into a place to play music. The words tropical depression, normally a storm that's not quite a hurricane yet, take a different meaning here. The phrase emphasizes the emotion depression, not the storm. It is probably a band name since there is music equipment below it. The image sets a rebellious mood for the viewer with its low contrast and text.
    Theorize: There are many different, local venues with a lot of character that people do not know about. While the most popular venues are the ones that hold hundreds or thousands of people, the small abandoned stores and shacks are the ones with most character.
    Judge: I like the angst of the photo, and I think the phrase tropical depression is really clever. There could be a higher contrast to make it more dramatic.
