Friday, October 3, 2014

ten photos

1 comment:

  1. Describe: there is an empty room with a chalkboard on the back wall. There is a door in the back on the left and chairs/desks are lined perfectly in rows filling the entire room, facing the wall behind the camera (if there is a wall there). The left side of the room is dark and the far right wall is lit up. There is a projector hanging from the ceiling.
    Interpret: this room is used for class and the shot is taken from the perspective of a teacher. The lighting is probably natural lighting from windows that aren't seen because none of the ceiling lights are on
    Theorize: this picture was probably taken before class because the desks are lined up so nicely and college students usually don't sit still. It looks a lot like the room we have vislit discussion in on Tuesdays
    Judge: the picture has an interesting composition, and something about it is very eerie, possibly because there is no obvious light source and all the desks suggest the presence of students but there is no one there
