Thursday, October 16, 2014

ten best


  1. Describe: Circular patterns of light repeated and overlapping atop a dark gray background, each of varying opacity.
    Interpret: Lights created from a source in the shapes of circles in front of the camera, although the background itself is a mystery.
    Theorize: It resembles many people's faces atop one another and next to each other, each light of varying strength and shine. It's as if they are huddling up together, or trying to compete for the attention of the viewer.
    Judgement: I still really enjoy seeing this kind of light play with the camera. I feel like you could even take the idea a step farther somehow to push a concept, but I still like it the way it is.

  2. photo #4
    description: a light pattern floats in the space, coming from a central light source. A faint impression of a table and water bottle is visible in the lower left. A foggy light surrounds the central light source.

    Interpretation: The letters OK are spelled in a curvy fashion in light. The table and light suggests that the location of the photo takes place in a room and some external light source coming in.

    Theorizing: How the letters were formed are unclear. Perhaps a slow shutter speed and manipulation of the light source may have formed the letters. The appearance may also be enhanced by computer editing (but not necessarily!) The overall feeling of the photo seems lighthearted because of the OK

    Judgement: The image seems to me playful and expressive.Your ability to create the OK is impressive
