Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10 Best 10/14/14


  1. On #8 photo
    Description: Branches, leaves,
    Interpret: Looking up or down at tree limbs and leaves in the foreground. The background is hard to interpret, possibly shadows of the tree.
    Theorize: Because I can't really tell what is going on, it is hard to theorize. It could be in the afternoon with shadows on the ground, or the back of leaves looking up towards the sky.
    Judgement: This is a really good photo because I can't tell what is happening. This makes me want to explore more of what is in my view within the photo.

  2. Description: Four birds swimming, three white and one dark, body of water, sharp detail
    Interpretation: The darker duck is farther away from the three other white ducks, which brings to mind the story of the "ugly duckling." Two of the white ducks are ruffling through the water, while the dark duck is calmly swimming. Even though it is alone, in its coat and physical positioning, it seems for at ease than the other birds.
    Theorize: Being naturally different can bring more ease than trying to fit in.
    Judge: I like the high contrast in the photo. There is a lot of negative space though, so maybe a different composition could have been stronger. I really like it overall though.

  3. Photo #3
    Describe: a flower in the middle foreground; background is blurry; flower only thing in focus; flower is slightly hanging down
    Interpret: a rose with unfocuses leaves and foliage in the background; the rose and lighting is soft and has a romantic feeling to is; because of it slightly hanging down, the flower looks like it is starting to dye; the petals are also slightly darker making it look dead; the leaf in the background has a semi circle cut out of it, almost as is it was bitten
    Theorize: This photo is about romance and love; however, since the flower is slightly drooping, it symbolizes that the love is dying or being broken. The dying petals and broken leaf symbolize that even though the rose is beautiful, like love, it is not always perfect and happy
    Judge: I like it becuase of the lighting, composition, and content

  4. Describe: A flower with variations of white and gray against a dark backdrop. The flower is angled downwards.
    Interpret: The flower, what seems to be a rose, is drooping or angled in a way to appear to be drooping, towards the ground, although the flower itself doesn't seem to be in bad condition.
    Theorize: I could think of this in a few ways, although the first thought was that, despite the flower drooping downwards in a sign of near decay, it still looks beautiful as a rose*. (*if it is, in fact, a rose) Like a graceful decay.
    Judgement: It's very visually interesting because of the diagonal of the flower, and the contrast between the white of the flower and the black background is wonderful.
