Thursday, October 2, 2014

Travis R: Top 10 of semester as of October 3rd


  1. Photo #10
    Description: A figure with a backpack approaches an opening between two huge brick structures. A strong light penetrates the opening and lights up all but the corners of the photo which remain dark in contrast. The narrow opening and two lower openings lead to a geometric structure created by long prisms, as well as a group of trees.
    Interpretation: That person, assumed to be a student, walks from the entrance of Marston Science Library into the French Fries and an area beyond, blurred by the sun.
    Theorizing: The narrow opening and light reminds me of some sort of portal. Because the figure walks into it, it appears to take him to another brighter place, as opposed to the dark corners.
    Judgement: I like it overall. The lighting is great and I appreciate gradation between the shadows of the corners and the central light itself.

  2. Describe: Two nearly symmetrical structures on either side of a small figure, a bright light shining down on them with another vague structure in the distance. The figure appears to be wearing a backpack.
    Interpret: The person is a student walking through a university in the early morning, or there is another possible light source from the flash or the sun.
    Theorize: I feel a strong sense of a bright future as the student walks towards the bright light from above. It is a student beginning their journey of higher education to better themselves as they walk into a bright day.
    Judgement: This is beautiful. The image and message are inspiring and captivating, and I love the contrast in size between the person and the buildings.
    (I had to rewrite this because Google deleted it initially. :c )
