Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10 Images 10/21/14


  1. Describe: Light and dark values on rounded leaves.
    Interpret: The sun is high in the sky causing the value changes on the plants, and causing shadows in the underbrush.
    Theorize: Since this is a tropical plant, it within this area and it is a warm sunny day which caused the value changes.
    Judgement: This is a very busy composition which has a foreground and a background that balances nicely.

  2. Photo #6
    Describe: numerous round objects hanging from a branch; foliage and leaves all around the photo, framing it; background it blurry and out of focus.
    Interpret: This photo was taken looking up at the branch and sky; the round objects are some kind of food, maybe fruit; photo taken outside
    Theorize: This picture emphasizes nature's beauty and how whimsical it can be. The fruit look very fantasy-like, almost like candy. It is not hard to look for beauty in nature because it is all around you.
    Judgement: I love this photo as well as photo #7 because of the composition, lighting, and content.
