Thursday, October 16, 2014

10 best 10/17/14


  1. 4th one down.
    Describe: A lot of little vertical lines that abruptly end.
    Interpret: It could be anything falling down with the aperture opened a lot.
    Theorize: I believe this was an experimental photograph that caught the movement of an object in motion.
    Judgement: This is one of my favorites, because I don't know what it is, but I like the rhythm, movement, values and linear qualities. It makes me want to continue looking to figure out what is is or it's meaning.

  2. Photo #4
    Describe: light streaks; vertical streaks
    Interpret: Light streaks that are vertically falling down; looks like a waterfall or fairydust falling down; looks like fireworks
    Theorize: This photo is like downpours of rain; like rain washing over a person. This photo could talk about the cleansing of oneself, letting oneself go and become free.
    Judgement: I love this photo because of the composition and the technique. I looks magical to me.

  3. Describe: Brick wall, blurry background and very sharp foreground, brightest light in center, brick wall in background too
    Interpret: The angle of the main brick wall disorients the viewers, especially when paired with the brick wall in the background. While we normally would think the two walls would meet and be perfectly perpendicular, one of the walls is at an odd angle. While the brightest spot is in the center, the focus of the image is the details of the brick in the foreground.
    Theorize: The image tricks the viewers eyes and their normal perceptions of reality to make them pay closer attention to the fine details of the picture.
    Judge: I like this photo's composition and fine level of detail a lot.

  4. Describe: Streaks of light across a black-ish background, four lights in particular are brighter and more visually drawing than the others.
    Interpret: It appears to be rain falling at different points in time, although I'd imagine it is actually light play.
    Theorize: It almost makes the light look like a waterfall, a cascade of brightness against a dark background. There could be a natural kind of significance with light playing with nature, or something to do with water and the internal cleanliness of a person.
    Judgement: It's very visually interesting. The lack of a strong concept isn't really bothersome because the visual beauty itself is enough to keep my attention.
