Thursday, October 2, 2014

10 Best From All - Alison Mosely

1 comment:

  1. Describe: A wall covered with an assortment of objects - Two heart weaved wall hangings, two rows of bottles atop two shelves, and two towels next to each other. The wall paper has a form of ornamentation I can't distinguish with a line running through the space where the two heart hangings are. The lighting from above makes each side similarly light and dark, save for the top heart being brighter than the bottom.
    Interpret: The symmetry meeting at the two heart decorations implies a very Mr. & Mrs. or His and Hers feel, or merely just two partners. The items themselves make this look like a shared bathroom. It's a very loving, taken care of atmosphere.
    Theorize: Perhaps it is a moment in the life of a couple. It's a simple shared bathroom, but the care it takes to keep it looking so clean and symmetrical could reflect a happy, equally cared for relationship.
    Judgement: I am really enjoying the symmetry of the scene, as well as the lighting. It's very appealing.
