Thursday, September 18, 2014

ten photos

1 comment:

  1. Photo #10
    Description: An array of objects sit perched on a windowsill: an empty tupperware, tub of coffee, coffee filters, and a remote. They sit just in front of a looming window with six panes. The window looks out to a brick wall. The window frame is dirty, and the walls are darker than the frame. A crayon sits on the far left of the windowsill. A lot of vertical and horizontal lines are emphasized in the image.

    Interpretation: The window has handles, suggesting it opens inward. The brick wall outside is multicolored, indicating it is old, worn, or dirty. Discolorations in the frame suggest dirtiness. This is a window in a dorm at UF. The screen on the window is splattered and spotted with grime.

    Theorize: This isn't where these objects belong, they were temporarily cast there for convenience. A coffee pot exists elsewhere outside the frame. The brick wall and criss-crossing panes remind me of a prison cell, comparing jail to school. I get a sense of unwilling confinement when I see the piece. This image was taken during the day. The light inside is also on, judging from the shine spots on the coffee filters.

    Judgement: I enjoy the aesthetic of the window, but I wish there was something more meaningful on the windowsill. I like how the plastic on the coffee filters looks fluffed. I like how the filters are set slightly off centered from the tub. I wish there were some lighter values outside to really contrast the darker ones in the walls and coffee tub. I enjoy most the varying levels of opacity- the transparent window, the translucent tupperware, and the opaque coffee supplies.
