Tuesday, September 23, 2014

10 best for week

1 comment:

  1. Photo #9
    Describe: A structure created from two vertical, parallel sticks and one perpendicular stick takes a majority of the composition. A bucket hangs from the structure by a chain and pulley. The chain hangs on an obscure extension from the right stick. The chain is attached to a flat platform on the bottom of the image.

    Interpretation: The entire photo appears to be of an old fashioned wooden well and metal bucket and chain. The length of the chain suggests that the well may be quite deep. The branch-like appearance of the wooden structure gives it a country feel.

    Theorize: The photo captures the feel of a rural area with the depiction of a well, especially one that is purposefully left rough and undecorated. It depicts peace and stillness often associated with farms.

    Judgement: I love the calmness of this image. It invokes comfort and relaxation.
