Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Travis R - Top 10 Images, week of November 7


  1. Describe: Cars, Signs, Shops, and a Bright Light. (Also if you're planning on giving your photo a title it should be that.)
    Interpret: The image was created by slightly spinning the camera while the photo was being taken.
    Theorize: This was a quickly taken photo of an interesting composition, perhaps while diving past it?
    Judge: I like how there's a clearly noticeable center to the spin, how the line bordering the bottom of the signs has been split in two, and how the left side of the image has become significantly less discernible and more abstract than the right.

  2. Describe: Trees, brick walk, palms, person, cars.
    Interpret: A person is walking to class or from class.
    Theorize: The composition is good, as the trees cause a natural frame to the figure. There are both horizontal and vertical lines that connect.
    Judgement: I think the idea of being alone in space, and the amount of space he takes up, all while being framed is good.
