Thursday, November 20, 2014

Best Photographs XI


  1. Describe: black boots with legs coming out of them standing in a pile of leaves
    Interpret: these are a woman's legs and she is walking outside and dressing for colder weather
    Theorize: fall is starting to turn into winter and this women is dressing for it. You can also tell by the way there are so many fallen leaves that look a little dead
    Judge: I like her shoes, so I'm glad they are centered

  2. Describe: a sign coming out of water and being reflected. It reads "DANGER/ALLIGATORS wildlife sanctuary, no fishing, unlawful to feed alligators. No swimming". The reflection of trees is seen at the top of the image
    Interpret: this is taken near Lake Alice where there are many a wild alligator.
    Theorize: this sign is warning people that activity in or near the water could be unsafe because alligators have sharp teeth and may attack. Although if no swimming is allowed I wonder how they got the sign IN the water..
    Judge: the calmness of the water makes the sign look like it is floating, but the reflections break that up nicely

  3. Image 4:
    Describe: A collection of dark shapes surrounding a white center. Some of the shapes are jagged. Most of the shapes are repetitive.
    Interpret: These appear to be reflections of branches and leaves in a body of water.
    Theorize: The way the picture is set up it's hard to tell if all of the trees shown are reflections or if some of them are real trees. This could be a reference to Plato's allegory of the cave.
    Judge: I really like this picture and it's abstract qualities.

  4. Image #8
    Describe: a sign; a body of water; a reflection of the sign; reflection of some trees.
    Interpret: This sign is in a lake warning people about alligators, telling them not to swim in the water; The sign looks like it's floating because the water is so calm, nothing has disturbed it to cause any ripples in it; messes with your sense of up and down; the "no swimming" sign looks like it was put up there as an afterthought.
    Theorize: I can see the difference between man-made stuff and nature. Nature is causing the reflection of something man-made; so does the reflection of the trees between the real ones.
    Judgement: I like it because of the composition and content.
