Thursday, November 20, 2014

Best ten 11/21


  1. Photo #8
    Describe: Large open metal structure with trees inside. There are four palm tress in front of it.
    Interpret: This is the butterfly garden at the Museum of Natural History in Gainesville.
    Theorize: The palm trees divide the structure into four equal portions. This was a carefully executed shot.
    Judge: I like how the two end trees are perfectly aligned with the edge of the building. I also like how the phot is slanted to give an interesting diagonal.

  2. image #2
    Description: a tunnel-like line of huge jaws are visible in a storage setting. Objects that appear to be sharks can be seen floating in the background.
    interpretation: those are most likely all fossilized and/or artificial shark jaws, complete with teeth. They all line up and form a tooth tunnel. The floating sharks are probably for decoration.
    theorizing: The magnificence and fear inducing qualities of the most recognizable part of a shark are emphasized and multiplied in this image. The jaws form a scary tunnel that would intimidate most.
    judgement: this image is very creative. I enjoy the perspective of the tunnel, think that the visual interest is quite high.

  3. Describe: dark markings, on a light ground. The grass is seperated by a light object in the middle ofr he image the object. The marks are a repetitious.
    Interpretation: the side walk is the object that is in the middle of the image. And there are tire mark on it.
    Theorize. A scooter was driven over the side walk repeatedly. The focus is on the marks
    Judgement: i like the angle from which the picture was taken.
