Thursday, November 13, 2014

Best Photographs X


  1. Description: to bright circular object receding at the top of the pbotographa dark circular ring on the bottom of both objects. Grid like lines curve vertically down the circular objects.
    Interpretation: there are paper light fixtures hanging from a roof inside of a building. The brightness of the lights allows them to stand out from the background.
    Theorize: the image is purposefully high contrast, the focus is on the lights, which are soft and not to harsh. The overall inage is soft .
    Judgement: i like it, because of the interesting composition, and perspective.

  2. Describe: a tall building centered in the image. It is very reflective and starts to disappear near the top. There is a second, shorter building to its left with a diagonal roof. The top of the taller building begins to disappear into a white sky
    Interpret: this tall building is covered in windows and stretches into the clouds which is why the top is hazy.
    Theorize: this photo was taken while traveling to a bigger city because there are no buildings like this in gainesville. The cloudy white sky suggests that it is cold out.
    Judge: the composition is nice because the building is centered and not too close to the top frame
